Carbon Sequestration Projects in Canada

Carbon capture and sequestration is the main building block of carbon neutral development in oil and gas and a host of other industries. Underground sequestration is a growing industry, spurred by operator efforts towards net zero and government incentives for decarbonization. With 3 sizable projects operational, Canada captures and stores about 3,000,000 tonnes of carbon […]

Meeting Service Demand During the New Boom

After 6 years of market retractions and downturns, the oil patch turned back to growth mode in 2021-2022. Many industry players, operators and service companies alike, folded during the prolonged downturn. Companies that weathered the storm are poised for remarkable growth in the short and medium term. The charts and considerations listed below are based […]

Ongoing Projects: Alternative Resources and Technology

A list of recent and ongoing clean tech projects in Western Canada This post lists renewable and alternative energy projects that were built, are under constructions or are proposed in Western Canada. As a service provider to the upstream oil and gas industry, we find multiple applications of our skill and technology in clean tech […]

Lithium Production

New lithium extraction technologies from reservoir brine offers new opportunities in old oil fields.

Helium Development

A global shortage of Helium spurred a new wave of exploration in the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin.

Transferable Skill and Technology

The oil and gas industry is constantly changing. Over the past few years, it has been under constant pressure to change towards renewable energy and alternative resources. There is a multitude of transferable skills and technologies that can be used towards these new developments. Some examples of transferable sills and technologies, primarily developed and perfected […]

Clean Energy, Efficient Use of Resources

At Chinook Consulting, we are firmly rooted in our oil and gas expertise, while actively pursuing developments in renewable energy and alternate resources. We were always at the forefront of technology and novel approaches, and we continue to prioritize new and exciting developments as part of our growth strategy. Transferable skills from  the oil and […]

Light The Night Walk 2019

Chinook is proud to be a  sponsor for the Calgary LIGHT THE NIGHT WALK in support of the Leukemia & Limphoma Society of Canada.We’re looking forward to walking at this year’s Light The Night Walk. Please encourage your friends, family members, coworkers, or anyone else you know, to join our team and help us reach […]

Geothermal Energy Development

On August 22, 2019, Eavor Technology officially unveiled the ongoing development of Eavor-Lite Demonstration Project in Clearwater County, south of Rocky Mountain House in Central Alberta.   Eavor uses proprietary technology to develop scalable Baseload Power systems in Canada and internationally. The closed-loop system tap into deep geological formations to harvest heat and use in […]

Picture Calendar 2019

Our call for pictures for the 2019 calendar brought in many great photos of rigs, wellsite operations and rocks sent by our team members from all over Canada and a few from overseas. Thank you all for your wonderful submissions; it was difficult to pick a limited number for the 12 months of the year. […]

Light The Night Walk

Chinook is proud to be a route sponsor for the Calgary LIGHT THE NIGHT WALK in support of the Leukemia & Limphoma Society of Canada. We’re looking forward to walking at this year’s Light The Night Walk. Please encourage your friends, family members, coworkers, or anyone else you know, to join our team and help […]

East Duvernay Shale Basin

Devonian Duvernay Formation, East Shale Basin, Alberta Summary The East Shale Basin of Alberta is located geographically in the Three Hills and the Ponoka/Gull Lake area, with recent activity mainly found within the strike areas of Joffre, Morningside and Huxley. The East Shale Basin (ESB) has seen a flurry of recent activity since 2016 following […]

Technological Approach in Resource Plays

The aptly titled “shale revolution” is changing the energy production landscape in North America one resource play at the time.  The potent combination of horizontal drilling and multi-stage fracking is unlocking oil and gas reserves around the continent.  Faced with dwindling recoverable reserves in mature basins, explorers and producers are using technological advances to extract […]