COVID-19 Response

COVID-19 Response







Chinook Consulting drafted a Business Continuity Plan to deal with the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. The plan contains provisions for remote operations, procedures for dealing with travel, sickness and social distancing. The overall strategy is to continue to provide service excellence while taking all necessary precautions to curb the spread of the virus.

Office Operations

Most office operations are performed remotely, through secure Virtual Private Network access for our personnel. All meetings are moved to Webex, Teams or Zoom platforms.

A specific policy has been drafted and circulated to all personnel and subcontractors.

Download Chinook’s COVID-19 Policy

The policy refers to preventive measures, travel restrictions, guidelines for workers with symptoms, emergency response, home isolation strategy and business continuity.

Social distancing practices are in effect at our offices. Office hours are reduced, and appointments must be confirmed beforehand. For shipping and receiving purposes, a lock box located outside the office will be preferably used.

Please fill in and submit the pre-access form linked below before heading in to the office or at other well sites.

Remote geosteering operations completely shifted to online cloud collaboration platforms (such as Rogii Solo).

All sales and technical personnel are available on phone calls, email or Webex. Digital engagement is preferred and encouraged.

Field Operations

Additional measures are taken for all personnel traveling to remote drilling locations, as well as contractors returning from field assignments.

All personnel working in overseas project have been recalled and relocated to their home countries (with a mandated 14 days self-isolation period).

Personnel traveling to remote work location must fulfil the following criteria:

  • Not having traveled outside of Canada and Alberta 14 days prior to deployment
  • Not be in contact with anyone traveling outside of Canada 14 days prior to deployment
  • Not be in contact with anyone diagnosed with COVID-19 for 14 days prior to deployment
  • Not having any flue like symptoms for 3 days before deployment
  • Acceptance to be assessed by medical personnel or health practitioner upon arriving on site
  • Practice social distancing while on site


We are committed to providing our services at the highest standard, while ensuring the safety of our team and clients. We are actively pursuing remote supervision deployments to leverage our experience with geosteering and cloud-based technology. We understand that current circumstances are unprecedented in modern times and we plan our business accordingly.

We remain committed to meeting and exceeding our client needs and we intend to consolidate our reputation as the service provider of choice during these challenging times.

See also


Human Resources Chinook

Posted On:
May 25, 2020

Announcements, News