Light The Night Walk 2019

Chinook is proud to be a  sponsor for the Calgary LIGHT THE NIGHT WALK in support of the Leukemia & Limphoma Society of Canada.
We’re looking forward to walking at this year’s Light The Night Walk. Please encourage your friends, family members, coworkers, or anyone else you know, to join our team and help us reach our goal. The more the merrier!

  • When: Saturday, October 19, 2019 at 5PM
  • Where: Prince’s Island Park, Calgary, Canada
  • Website:
  • What: Chinook will be a sponsor and participate with a team
  • Chinook team page
From the Light The Night Walk Campaign page:

“The Light The Night Walk is the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Canada’s (LLSC) signature fundraising event. Each year more than 35,000 supporters gather in communities across Canada to help to raise funds for blood cancer research and support programs for patients, survivors and caregivers.

The Light The Night Walk is an unforgettable family-friendly evening event filled with music, food and inspirational entertainment.

There are 12 official Light The Night Walks hosted by the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Canada in cities across the country and dozens of community-based Light The Night events led by volunteers and schools.”

Visit our page on Light The Night Walk:

Chinook Walks

Join our team by becoming a involved:

Join our team

Donate to the cause:


Walk with us on Saturday, October 19 at Eau Claire, as we gather together with families, friends and coworkers to celebrate, honour and remember those touched by cancer.
Blood cancers are the 4th most diagnosed cancer in Canada, yet the survival rates are much lower than many other cancers. Research tells us that 68% of Canadians would feel helpless if they or someone they were close to was diagnosed with a blood cancer. You can bring hope to the blood cancer community. The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Canada is dedicated to supporting patients at any stage of their cancer journey; providing information and vital support services. The money raised will also go to the most promising blood cancer research taking place at cancer centres across Canada.

Photo Gallery

Light The Night 2018
Light The Night 2018
Light The Night 2019
Lanterns along the Bow
Center Stage
Lantern cenremony
Prince’s Island Park

Calin Dragoie

Posted On:
October 12, 2019

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