Thankful for a Great Team

10,000 wells in WCSB

As we supervised our 10,000th well in the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin, we are grateful for a exquisite team, vibrant community and entrepreneurial energy operators that keep our shop busy and the economy buzzing.

Chinook started its journey 20 years ago, and managed to grow from a boutique firm providing wellsite geology services to technical horizontal wells emerging at that time, to the premier energy services provider of today. All this would not be possible without a team of professional dedicated to their craft, that are leveraging the best experience acquired in the Canadian Oil Patch while pushing the limits of technology to deliver energy better, faster and more efficiently.

Wellsite geology has been centered around reservoir evaluation rooted in detailed petrographical analysis. Petrography is still of paramount importance in exploration and development of carbonate plays such as the Charlie Lake or Banff, for variable lithologies of the Basal Quartz/Ellerslie or Upper Shaunavon formations, or for assessing reservoir quality in partially drained McMurray thermal applications for example. Our wellsite geologists have tremendous experience in these plays, and deliver detailed petrography considerations along with high-resolution digital pictures of drill cuttings.

Drill cuttings
Drill cuttings analysis

Reservoir Navigation achieved new levels of confidence and accuracy with the use of geosteering software. Correlation steering, initially applied in unconventional reservoirs such as the Horn River, Montney and Duvernay, found new uses by expanding the geosteering scope and approach. By combining correlation steering with geomodel and progression techniques, software driven geosteering permeated drilling of large scale development wells in the Viking, Cardium, Clearwater, Bluesky and Mannville. Multilateral wells (parallel legs, feather or fishbone designs) are becoming common place in the basin, and benefit from precision steering using hybrid approaches. Resistivity steering opened new potential of development in thermal projects in the McMurray, Clearwater and Grand Rapids in Eastern Alberta, but also in complex reservoirs in Canada’s Foothills and structural plays throughout the world. The value added by geosteering suites such as ROGII Starsteer can not be understated.

With most of our geologists well versed in software assisted geosteering, we are on the forefront of reservoir navigation, both remote (mostly from our Calgary Remote Operations Space) or deployed at rig site (in tandem with traditional Wellsite Geology). We are extremely proud of the precision and high confidence this approach brings to development drilling in so many parts of the basin.

Thermal Development
Thermal Development

Backed by a disciplined approach to business, we were able to weather the long downturn from 2015 to 2020, and place our company and our team in a great position to deliver during the current energy rally. We are able to drill longer wells faster, with more reservoir exposure than ever before, by combining traditional wellsite geology experience with new methods and processes.

We are fortunate to have an exquisite team of professionals ready to offer the highest of quality in energy services, and we take this opportunity to express our gratitude to each and every member of our growing team. Thank you and stay safe.

Chinook team

Happy Thanksgiving

(c) October 2022, Chinook Consulting Services

Calin Dragoie

Posted On:
October 10, 2022

Announcements, Human Resources